Sunday, January 19, 2014


This week was nothing short of amazing. We are finally back to teaching a ton and really doing great things! I really enjoy Elder Simmons, he is a lot of fun and we are always finding ways to make every day an adventure! I really am enjoying my time with him. This week has been really busy also, so that is awesome. We are quickly coming back from Winter break and we are coming back stronger! I love it. I can really feel the Lord helping me out every day. It was interesting something that we taught and I learned when I was teaching it. The Lord is always doing things for us, it is never a matter of Him not, the only thing that changes is us noticing and showing gratitude for them. There are days that I have had that I feel like maybe the Lord was as present, but when I really look back and think of all the things I was grateful from that day I realize that the Lord played a huge role in that day and I was just focused of other things to notice all he did!

On Monday we learned how to knit from this Member. I am in the process of making a Tie. Don't judge, I have a lot of down time at night so I have to creative. The Tie is going to be so cool. We found this huge stack of CD's of talks from Church Leaders and there was one that I honestly think it was made for me. It was amazing, the name is Lot's Wife by Jeffery R. Holland. I love that talk so much, I have never felt more like the Lord was speaking to me through a talk. It really talks a lot about how we need to always look forward and not look back. It really just stood out to me because we can not let the past drive us. Whether it's something we wish we could take back or something that we are wanting to go back to, I realized this: If I had a super fun day in the past why can't I make today or tomorrow just as fun? I really am making this my new goal, ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD. I feel this talk was a answered pray. I am very grateful for it.

Church was also such a blessing. We had 3 investigators come and a lot of Less Actives came as well. I know that we worked hard this week, but I know that the success we had in church today was only part of us and the Lord did the rest. I am so thankful for that. I see the Lord in everything. We got this call from this girl in Norway on Saturday night and she told us that her father is very sick and he is living in our area and he was wondering if we could visit him on Sunday and give him a blessing, bring him this special water and bless and pass him the Sacrament. We hurried and ran to the store to buy him the water and then the next day we were able to go and visit with him. He is the nicest man ever. He has cancer and on top of that he has had the flu. He was so nice and humble. I had the honor to give him a blessing, and that was such an amazing moment. I am so grateful for the Power of the Priesthood and how is can help and change lives. When we asked the man if he knew how a blessings worked he replied: "Of course I do, they are the reason I am alive." What a blessing that they are, I am so grateful to have that power and to be apart of this Church. I am reminded daily how blessed I am to be in this church and how blessed I am to be here sharing this message!

I love you all so much. I am grateful for you thoughts and prayers! I can feel the love! I hope you all have a great week! Just know that you always have someone in Sweden praying for you!

Äldste Farnworth

Elder Farnworth and Simmons

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